Converse is a free and open-source XMPP chat client that runs in a web browser.
You can use it here, host it yourself, or integrate it into your own website. It's possible to connect to any publically accessible XMPP/Jabber server. Take a look at the demo page for other examples of how Converse can be configured and used.
No problem! With Converse you can register an account on any public XMPP server that allows in-band registration, including our own at
Over 130 people have contributed features, bugfixes and translations, and many more have integrated it into their own websites or applications.
Come and chat with us at
We'll put you into contact with developers
who can help you to integrate and customize Converse for your needs.
You can use the following contact form.
Please don't use the contact form for free support, use the other channels mentioned above.
Converse is a software commons, available at no cost to you or anyone else. Sponsorships allow us to fund further development and improvements. If you'd like to sponsor this project, please visit Github, Patreon, Liberapay or contact us.
We provide free XMPP accounts under the domain You can create an account directly through the app on this website or on
If you're interested in professional XMPP hosting under your own domain name, please contact us.
This service is provided on a pro bono basis. An email address is not needed to sign up and we don't sell or monetize any of your data.
We don't share any of your data with 3rd parties, except when necessary to run the service. For example, when you send a message to a user on a differerent XMPP server. Your presence information (whether you're online or not) is shared with contacts that you've added from other servers.
Users on other XMPP servers can request access to your (optionally filled-in) VCard data. You can remove your VCard data through an XMPP client. The latest version of Converse supports this, and you can use it here.
Our XMPP server runs in a Hetzner data centre in Strasbourg, France.
Your chat messages are archived for a period of 1 month, after which they are deleted.
Currently the XMPP server does not support HTTP-file upload (although Converse the client does), which means that we don't host any uploaded files of users.
During normal operations we don't log or process IP addresses, although it might be necessary in certain cases where a problem needs to be debugged (hasn't happened yet). Logs older than 6 months are deleted.
Currently there is no standardized way to move a user account from one XMPP server to another.
If you'd like to have a copy of your data for transferal to another account, please contact us.
Currently it's not possible to automatically delete your account via Converse, although you might be able to do so via other XMPP clients that support account deletion via XEP-0077.
You can always contact us and we'll delete your account manually.